slumber import

Generate a Slumber collection file based on an external format.

See slumber import --help for more options.


Importers are approximate. They'll give the you skeleton of a collection file, but don't expect 100% equivalency. They save a lot of tedious work for you, but you'll generally still need to do some manual work on the collection file to get what you want.


The general format is:

slumber import <format> <input> [output]

For example, to import from an Insomnia collection insomnia.json:

slumber import insomnia insomnia.json slumber.yml


Supported formats:

  • Insomnia
  • OpenAPI v3.0
    • Note: Despite the minor version bump, OpenAPI v3.1 is not backward compatible with v3.0. If you have a v3.1 spec, it may work with this importer, but no promises.
  • VSCode .rest
  • JetBrains .http

Requested formats:

If you'd like another format supported, please open an issue.