
Configuration provides application-level settings, as opposed to collection-level settings.

Location & Creation

Configuration is stored in the Slumber root directory, under the file config.yml. To find the root directory, you can run:

slumber show dir

To quickly create and edit the file:

# Replace vim with your favorite text editor
vim $(slumber show dir)/config.yml

If the root directory doesn't exist yet, you can create it yourself or have Slumber create it by simply starting the TUI.


debugbooleanEnable developer informationfalse
editorstringCommand to use when opening files for in-app editing. More infoVISUAL/EDITOR env vars
ignore_certificate_hostsstring[]Hostnames whose TLS certificate errors will be ignored. More info[]
input_bindingsmapping[Action, KeyCombination[]]Override default input bindings. More info{}
preview_templatesbooleanRender template values in the TUI? If false, the raw template will be shown.true
themeThemeVisual customizations{}